Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Got your message

In a bottle


Upon my shores

You washed up

Too bad I can’t

Drink away this pain

In a bottle

Or wash

Away the stains

Of the model

We have left

On the walls of

Our hearts


Once again

Together we bleed

Oh feed the words

That sting

My outlet

You surge

Telling me of all the

Things I did wrong

& didn’t do this

& didn’t do that

You would think

I was hired to rebuild

A company or something

Expectation as high

As the empire state building

I thought our love

Was the entire state

Building of

A beautiful life

Travel, prayer

Sex, the knife

& the peach

Slicing, eating

Away at the beach

Enjoying our Sundays

Through Tuesday

From February to June

We tasted love

& we boomed

& we bloomed

But were cut too short

Maybe my selfish ways

Too short of time apart

I think it was emotionally

Distant what you called it

Guilty as charged

For everyday I learn

To be more humble

Over spilt words

& hurt feelings

I stumble

Vulnerable & it’s scary

To let little kids in

& play in a house

Made of china

Why you wanna

Whine ya, never very good

At it, just love me

Like you used to

I am grateful for you

Why don’t you just

Stop degrading me

Oh honey please

Stop the anger

& re orchestrating the past

Like chairs in the living room

The shadows cast

It can’t be moved

Just viewed from different

Angles & I choose

The one of peace

& of pleasantries

Love, oceans

& the trees

We swayed & swung

Nineteen ninety one

My love

My pretend wife

The softest love

Of my life

I remember the taste

Of your mouth

Of your ears

Taught so much

My sweet hunted deer

Now run & play

Before you

Start to really

Piss me off
