Sunday, May 30, 2010


The rain is here again

It seems natural to want change

Maybe paint the house again

Some vintage thrift store

Shopping whopping

Monuments, framed in my mind

Or on the wall

Which does it matter

I stare at them both all day

Let us play with the present

Moment that seems to warp

Myself, into this ball of energy

Like cool refreshing clouds of

Rain, maybe a drive to the ocean

Is intact today, just to watch

The waves break away

As I know a strong year

Of triumph is here again

And there’s a mountain

I am about to conquer

And I guess I am preparing

For what or who lay

Rested and bountiful

On the other side

For that one single moment

As all pain and fear subsides

And I know the path has

Once again lead me to

A suspended moment

Of peaceful bliss

And just the mist

Of the ocean

Is all one needs


To find God


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